It was bitter sweet watching Him board that plane, knowing I'll see Him soon, and we can start building our lives together. Both bosses at each of my jobs commented on how down I was on Friday. It was just we had so much fun, and time just flew by while he was here. I know He's back there keeping up our home, awaiting my arrival. He has an assignment in Utah for most of May, so even if I would have come out sooner, He wouldn't have even been at home. After spending this time together, it just solidified all our feelings, plans and goals for ourselves in the upcoming months. My ex-hubby said to me today, "As long as your happy, that's all that matters." Just brought tears to my eyes knowing that although I know he's not thrilled with the idea, he just wants to see me happy. I wish the same for him as well. Happiness. It's all any of us want out of life, and having a partner to share it with can make it all the better.
I have a long work week ahead of me with both jobs, knowing I'm going to be working at least 14 days straight. I know I have 65 hrs to work Monday through Sunday of this week, but not sure on the exact hours of the following week. It's all good, though, because it will be more savings for the move and other expenses when I get out to Boise.
I'm going to try my best to get good rest, so I can get up early and workout a bit. I sold my treadmill, because that was definitely one item I was not about to lug all the way out to Idaho. I really want to just get back into some routine before I move. I have a lot of packing and shipping to do over the next few weeks. But, for most of the time, I'm just going to try to work as many hours as I can to fill up my days and weeks.
I hope you all have a fantastic week! *hugs*