First: Think long and hard about what you want. Make sure your goals are actually things you want to achieve, not what society dictates or what your family or friends want for you. Ultimately your life is yours and you must live it for yourself. I know you might be thinking that's selfish, but so what? Sometimes being a little selfish is a good thing, especially if it enables you to take care of yourself.
I totally understand this goal, but at the same time I do believe we have to look inside ourselves and the big picture on what our goals will do to our families, especially our kids as well. There has to be a balance. I'm looking forward to finding something that will allow me the freedom to spend time at home with the future little ones. This is why I wish to get my certification as a personal trainer, as well as get certified as a nutrionist/dietician. It will give me the opportunity to open up doors to a whole other career. I will love working with insurance, and plan on getting licensed in Idaho as well, but that will be to fall back on if financial times get tough. I've even had ideas of looking into youth health and fitness grants to see if there might be a program I can start off there that will benefit the families of the community I will live in, as well as being beneficial to my own family as well.
Second: Remember, goals are not inflexible roadblocks meant to make you feel badly about yourself. If you don't accomplish a goal exactly on schedule, so what? You can't predict what life is going to throw your way — but you CAN choose the way you react to situations that come up. That is where your power lies. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on — no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
I think this is one of the reasons people get discouraged, because things don't always go their way. We have to learn to be able to adapt, accept and roll with the punches in life. Even when it comes to our own goals. I already know road blocks I may have to deal with, like, what if He gets deployed again, or reassigned? What if I end up being the lucky family member that ends up having the twins? What if Liam decides to move back in with me for high school? I'm not saying any of this will happen, but what if it does? They will ALL affect my goals and time for those goals. I'm not saying they will be put on the backburner, but there will be adjustment to be made. I'm sure there are plenty more obstacles waiting to be seen, but I'll deal with them when I come to them.
Third: We all have to be realistic when we set our goals... realistic and productive.
Again, great advice. If and when we set our goals way too high, they end up seemingly impossible, and we get discouraged. By making them realistic, and reaching them, it pumps us up to make new goals, and keep that desire to be productive, and keep moving in attempts to achieve our ultimate goals in life.
All this goal setting talk has been on my mind, especially because of my move come end of May. I really see it as a whole new start on life. Another chance to get what I want out of life, and make the life that Liam and my kids deserve.
Anyway, less than 33 hrs, and I'll be seeing my future, and kiss Him on the lips! LOL. Have a great day and a blessed Easter weekend!!

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