FOODMATTERS is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of fudning and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies. Patching up an over-toxic and over-indulgenty population with a host of toxic therapies and nutrient-sparse foods is definitely not helping the situation.
Join the world's leading authorities on nutrition and natural healing as they unovers the true cause of disease.
Find out what works, what doesn't, and what's killing you.
Becoming informed about the choices you have for you and your family's health could save your life.
FOODMATTERS sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'Sickness Industry', and exposes a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can me more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments.
The documentary goes into how only a small percentage of doctors in this country are fully educated in nutritonal health, and how we've become such a pill popping nation, instead of looking at the start of it all... what foods we eat, and what we put into our bodies, and the importance and studies of superfoods and vitamins in our diet.
It's documentaries like this that really inspire me, and drive me even more when it comes to going back to school this fall/winter and pursuing my nutrionist and fitness certifications. Like the movie points out... there's not much money to go around when people are healthy, which makes these science-based drugs and treatments so profitable. The pictures and documentations from the vitamin C & nutritional based cancer treatments are astonishing. It's sad that these proven findings never make it into the books for the AMA. Definitely an eye-opener for me, but you can judge for yourself.
Check out www.foodmatters.tv for some INCREDIBLE links on other documentaries, as well as a "Take Action" section for weight loss, diabetes, cancer, mental health and more! Definitely worth checking out. Sometimes when what the docs are doing isn't working, it's time to dig a little yourself, and become the expert on YOU!!
And for those that aren't on my Facebook, the rumors are true! I'm pregnant! Yay! Due March/April 2011!! Have a great week!

SAY WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, congratulations!!!!!!! You devil you! :-)