Well, there's the new baby at 12 weeks 6 days! I just had my first ultrasound on Monday, and that was the only picture I got that actually showed the whole body :) I get to go back end of October for another one, and hopefully find out if it's going to be a boy or a girl! yay! I was just glad to finally get proof that I'm not having twins, as friends and family were dead set on the notion, and it was a relief to prove them wrong! Not that twins wouldn't have been a blessing, it just would have been more blessing than I feel I would be able to handle! LOL
Since finding out I was pregnant, it's just been a crazy roller coaster of emotions and doctor's appointments. With my first and only son, I never had any morning sickness, or cravings, or really felt bad. With this one, this first trimester has been kickin' my butt! There were two mornings that I actually had to call off work because of how sick I was getting. It's been definitely new territory for me, because aside from having diabetes, I'm overall, a pretty healthy person. Lately the fatigue and tireness I've been feeling has been overwhelming, but I'm getting through it, and now that I'm back on insulin, things seem to be going much, much better.
I really haven't had a chance to catch up on my friend's blogs as much as I'd like to, but I rarely get on the computer much anymore. I usually check my email, Facebook, and call it a day after about 10-15 minutes. I'm sure one of these days, I'll get back into the swing of things, as I used to love reading everyone's entries, or articles, but it just hasn't been on the "to do list" lately.
My temporary status at work is over, and I guess I'm considered a regular employee now. Thanks to all the gals that gave me the thumbs up to management. I do like working there, and was really worried about the mornings I had called off due to being ill, but since I've been feeling better, I can't see that being a problem anymore.
School's been delayed for now, and I'll most likely be starting up in the winter. There was some paperwork mix up with applying for educational benefits through my hubby's GI Bill, but since we finally got someone to help with all the stuff, benefits have been transferred, and I just need to fill out the final application. I've decided to go for my BS in Nutrition Science through Kaplan University Online, which also has an accelerated option for obtaining the Master of Health Care Administration and/or a Master of Public Health. It will take a while, but hopefully by the time the baby gets ready for public school, I'll be finished up with my degrees. After that, I can look into interships, and credit requirements needed to become a Registered Dietician with the ADA. I guess I'm taking the longer approach, as online is really the only option at this time, with the hubby going back to school, and not knowing if he will be reassigned or not. Things may change, but for now I'm excited for the future.
That's about all there is for now. I'm really struggling to keep my weight down, as going back on insulin has given me a few extra pounds I could do without, but now that I'm feeling better, and not as tired and sluggish, the hubby and I will most likely start up walking again, and for my birthday last month, he got me a, what I like to call my, prego-yoga dvd. I know with the enormous amount of weight I gained with my last pregnancy, I'm petrified of repeating that due to my diabetes. Because no matter what I did or ate, the weight just wouldn't stop, so I'm trying to nip it all in the bud this time, and do not want to even go over 200 lbs, let along get up to in the 280's like I did with my son.
With all that said, hope all is well with everyone. Best way to keep up with me and day to day little things is to connect with me on Facebook. I'm into the quick read these days, so I can usually stop and say hi there! *hugs* Love you all!

HUGS i am so happy that things are starting to look up like they was down to begin with lol take care and you just work on keeping that baby healthy!;)