After having a wonderful holiday with my family in the Chicagoland area, here we are in the new year, and there are so many things I have to look forward to. It's going to be a year filled with so many memories, and a few were made on my trip home. I was able to see my aunt and uncle who live in Florida, and able to spend two evenings with extended family. Through the power of Facebook, I was able to be reunited with my halfbrother, Jason, and got to meet up with him and his lady for dinner one evening while out there. It was so great, since I had not been in contact with him or our sisters since 1991. Having lost Mark in 2007, it warmed my heart to know I have contact now with my "other brother". I got to show my hubby where I grew up, and he was able to endulge in Chicago cuisine and have his first italian beef, White Castles and REAL pizza! I also got to see my BFF, Wendy, who had been battling cancer, and had her last treatment after Christmas, and is getting her life back on track and will hopefully only get better and healthier this new year!
This past year I said goodbye to many disfunctional relationships, and married someone that completes me and loves me unconditionally. When you finally find your perfect mate, it really makes life worth living! I urge anyone to make sure they find and have a person that enhances your life, instead of bringing it, and you down.
As many of you know, I'm attending college at Kaplan University to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science and finished my first semester with a 4.0, and hope to continue that with my next two classes. As nerve-racking and scarey as it was going back to school, the benefits will outweigh the difficulties in the long run. I'm a little nervous about this semester, since it ends March 15th and my son is due March 22nd. Fingers crossed that he stays put until the semester is over! HA! After he is born, we are considering trying once again for a girl, but we shall see. :)
My wonderful hubby got me a new laptop for Christmas, which is going to be so helpful once our son arrives in March. I can be anywhere in the home with the baby and still be able to do my schoolwork instead of being confined to a desk. The crib will be delivered today, and we got so many wonderful things from so many people, plus what we've already aquired, we are definitely set for his arrival!
I have already booked my eldest son's trip to Boise this summer. Since he will be playing football this fall, I will only be able to have him for a little over a month, due to practice, but I'm looking forward to spending time with him, and I'm sure he will love spending time with his new baby brother! Sometimes I still can't believe I started over with kids, but when you find the right person, you just want to have a full life with them!
I have truly been blessed this past year, and I just want to thank everyone that has been there for me, supported me, talked with me, listened to me and stood up for me. There are those that will continue to live their miserable lives and wonder why things never work out for them, why they have so much drama, and basically it's because they can't be honest with themselves and take responsibility for their own actions. They will always be stuck in their own reality hell unless they start being truthful with themselves, and truthful with those in their lives. I faced my truths, and took the steps to make a better life for myself, and I couldn't be more satisfied with my choices. Life definitely is GOOD!!
I wish you all the best in this new year. May you love yourself, love others, and be the best YOU that you can be! Cheers!!!

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