Shanda & Melissa |
Today is
Military Spouse Appreciation Day, so today I have chosen to put a bright spotlight on two inspirational Air Force spouses, whose families are currently stationed here with mine at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho. Melissa Cobb and Shanda DeGiorgio.
When these two ladies aren't inspiring and motivating others to eat right and get moving, they are hardworking, busy moms, who seem to manage everything in stride and look amazing doing it! They are the core to a No Excuses Spring Challenge group, where accountability and honesty are key, and everyone shares their triumphs and setbacks, pictures of their meal preps, calories burned and physical progress. They even came up with workout calendars and lists of recipes they have compiled over the years. They don't receive any monetary compensation for sharing all their knowledge, just the joy and satisfaction of seeing friends succeed in their journey to health and happiness. Hopefully recognizing them in this way, they can truly feel the appreciation from all of us in the group, including this busy mom!
Step Class |
Melissa volunteers at our Fitness Center on base as a certified group fitness instructor and leads weekly Step and Pump classes. Not only does she do this twice a week in the evenings and Saturday mornings, she is a licensed physical therapy assistant during the week, working in home health and helps rehabilitate her patients from their biggest battles in life. She even shared some of her knowledge with me when I was recovering last summer/fall with low impact strengthening exercises, since walking and other physically demanding tasks at the time were too painful. Fun fact about Melissa is that she grew up in a fitness inspired family, as both her parents are personal trainers, with her mom also being a group fitness instructor! She feels so fulfilled being able to combine her passion for fitness with her career in physical therapy. She has no products or gimmicks to sell and loves what she does! In my opinion, she gives away all her knowledge and personal journey for free too all that care to be inspired with the cold hard truth about changing your habits and lifestyle. NO EXCUSES!!
Melissa's Kiddos |
She has been married to her husband for over 12 years, and they have been together for 15. They met in Montana were they had their first three kiddos, and then after moving here to Idaho, she is now a mom of 4!! Ages 12, 9, 6 & 3! If she doesn't inspire you, I'm not sure what will. She feels blessed to be able to do what she loves to do, and we feel blessed to have crossed paths with her!
Shanda & Family |
Shanda and her husband are coming up on their 10th anniversary, where they plan on renewing their vows by finally having the wedding they always wanted. They have lived in Japan and Nevada before moving here. Her husband even spent time away in Korea while her and her first two kids stayed back in the States. She has been through several deployments with her husband gone, and has faced the challenges of what military life and the stress that comes with it can do to a couple. Thankfully her marriage has thrived and survived, and she's proud to say that through marital counseling years ago, they now have a stronger marriage than they could have ever imagined. She has two sons and a daughter. Her second son was born at 34 weeks and had several holes in his heart. He is now 6 years old and they just found out that all but one has closed and his condition is in the green! They received a humanitarian assignment here to Mountain Home AFB in 2012 and have been here ever since.
Her main passion, besides her family of course, is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helping others to do the same. She is a devoted wife, mother, daughter and friend, and as mentioned before, teamed up with Melissa in this amazing No Excuses Spring Challenge for the months of April and May.
These two strong woman prove to all of us that life is a series of choices and consistency, and that doesn't have to include boring compromise! They are unapologetically authentic and amazing souls that create an atmosphere of goal-oriented acceptance, support and family. Cheers to you, Melissa and Shanda!
Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!
Comment below if these ladies inspire you, or if you like to recognize and show appreciation to a military spouse! Have a great day!! - Cheryl