Monday, May 8, 2017

How Do YOU Hydrate??

According to a new report from the CDC, nearly 6,000 people will go to the emergency room this summer for heat illnesses related to sports and exercise. Dehydration is a major culprit of these ER visits, and it's also easily preventable.

The Huffington Post spoke to top nutritionists to find out the best and worst ways to hydrate if you're planning on outdoor exercise. Of course, the number one choice is plain water -- their experts recommend aiming for 20 ounces two hours before a workout --but if you're looking to mix things up a bit, here are some good options, along with some ones to avoid.

Good Choices:
Coconut Water
Infused Water
Caffeinated Drinks (coffee/tea only)
Chocolate Milk
Sports Drinks

Bad Choices:
Energy Drinks
Super Cold Drinks

So tell me, do you agree or disagree with their choices?  Why or why not?  I would love to hear your input.  Please be sure to read the article and go through the slides and see why they choose what they did for these lists before answering.


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